Monday, May 6, 2019

Unit V Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit V Assignment - Essay ExampleIn the end, it becomes a depicted object health problem and later turns out to be an international problem (Kelishadi, Mirghaffari, Poursafa & Gidding, 2009).The journal also provides the mixed health effects that be caused by environmental pollution. Perinatal disorders, infant mortality, respiratory diseases, allergies, cardiovascular disorders, accent mark oxidative, and mental disorders are some of the most dangerous disorders brought about by pollution. Bearing this in mind, the authors are of the notion that every individual should take action and control the environment. The authors also use scientific acquaintance to strengthen their allegation on the adverse effects of environmental pollution (Kelishadi, Mirghaffari, Poursafa & Gidding, 2009).In conclusion, the authors call for the maturation of awareness on the effects of pollution to the public to help in mitigating pollution. They also call on the health professionals take the initiat ive to help prevent and reduce the harmful effects of environment factors (Kelishadi, Mirghaffari, Poursafa & Gidding, 2009).Kelishadi. R, Mirghaffari. N, Poursafa. P & Gidding. S, Lifestyle and environmental factors associated with inflammation, oxidative stress and insulin resistance in children, Atherosclerosis, vol. 203, no. 1, pp. 311319, 2009.Loux N., Su Y. & Hassan S., Issues in assessing environmental exposures to construct nanomaterials, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.8, no. 9, pp. 35623578,

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